Am I a Good Candidate for Dental Implants?

Am I A Good Candidate For Dental ImplantsWhen it comes to restoring damaged or compromised teeth, dental crowns are an excellent solution. Dental crowns not only enhance the appearance of your smile but also provide strength and protection to weakened teeth. However, determining whether you are a good candidate for dental crowns requires a thorough evaluation by a dental professional. In this guide, Lanap and Implant Center, a renowned dental practice specializing in restorative dentistry, will help you understand the factors that make someone a suitable candidate for dental crowns.

What are Dental Crowns?

Dental crowns, also known as dental caps, are custom-made prosthetic restorations designed to encase a damaged tooth. These tooth-shaped caps are placed over the tooth, covering it entirely above the gum line. Dental crowns are typically made from durable materials such as porcelain, ceramic, or metal alloys. They restore the tooth’s shape, size, strength, and appearance, allowing it to function normally and blend seamlessly with the surrounding teeth.

Conditions That May Indicate a Need for Dental Crowns

  1. Extensive Tooth Decay: When a tooth has severe decay that cannot be repaired with a filling, a dental crown may be necessary to restore its structure and prevent further damage.
  2. Fractured or Cracked Teeth: Teeth with significant fractures or cracks can be vulnerable to further breakage. Dental crowns provide protection and reinforcement to these weakened teeth.
  3. Large Fillings: If a tooth has a large filling that compromises its structural integrity, a dental crown may be recommended to provide additional support and prevent future problems.
  4. Root Canal Treatment: Teeth that have undergone root canal therapy often require dental crowns to strengthen and protect the treated tooth, as the procedure can weaken the tooth structure.
  5. Cosmetic Enhancements: Dental crowns can also be used for cosmetic purposes, such as improving the appearance of misshapen, severely discolored, or heavily worn teeth.

Qualities of a Good Candidate for Dental Crowns

  1. Sufficient Tooth Structure: A good candidate for dental crowns should have enough healthy tooth structure to support the crown. In some cases, prior treatment, such as a root canal, may have removed a significant portion of the tooth, making it unsuitable for a crown.
  2. Healthy Gums: Healthy gums are vital for the success of dental crowns. Candidates should have good oral hygiene practices and be free of gum disease, as gum disease can compromise the stability and longevity of dental restorations.
  3. Good Oral Health: Candidates for dental crowns should have a generally healthy mouth, free of untreated cavities, gum infections, or other oral health issues. These issues should be addressed before considering dental crown placement.
  4. Realistic Expectations: It’s essential for candidates to have realistic expectations about the outcome of dental crowns. While crowns can greatly improve the appearance and function of a tooth, it’s important to understand that they require regular care and maintenance to ensure their longevity.

Consultation with Lanap and Implant Center

If you’re considering dental crowns, scheduling a consultation with the experienced professionals at Lanap and Implant Center is the first step. During the consultation, the dental team will assess your oral health, discuss your goals, and determine if dental crowns are the right solution for you. They will explain the procedure, discuss the materials available, and answer any questions or concerns you may have.


Dental crowns offer a versatile and effective solution for restoring damaged teeth and enhancing your smile. However, determining your candidacy for dental crowns requires a thorough evaluation by a qualified dental professional. By seeking the expertise of the Lanap and Implant Center, you can trust that you’ll receive personalized care and the highest quality dental crown treatment available. Don’t hesitate to schedule a consultation and take the first step toward a healthier, more confident smile.