2 Ways To Bounce Back After Gum Disease

It’s important to be well-informed in the fight against gum disease.

That’s why today’s blog from your friends at the LANAP & Implant Center should help set the record straight about gum disease and our Collegeville and Williamsport, PA team has what it takes to help you bounce back once you’ve been held in its grip!

If Caught Early Enough, Gum Disease Is Reversible

In its earliest stage, gum disease is called gingivitis.

At this point, yes, there is harmful bacteria in your mouth that’s beginning to damage your delicate gum tissue. But the good news is that your gums haven’t yet been infected by that bacteria.

If caught early enough, gum disease is reversible. That’s why it’s so important to make healthy choices in regards to your lifestyle, nutrition, and oral care habits, as well as visit us regularly to stay on track.

Your Bad Breath Might Be Telling You Something

Bad breath when you wake up in the morning or after a meal laced with onions and garlic?

Perfectly normal.

Bad breath persists despite brushing, flossing, and breath fresheners?

Not normal!

It could be your body’s way of telling you that gum disease is developing and that you should seek the help of a trained professional from our team.

Your Gums Aren’t Supposed To Bleed

If you notice blood during your brushing and flossing routine, don’t do yourself the disservice of ignoring it or trying to convince yourself that it’s not a big deal.

Your gums aren’t supposed to bleed, period. You should give us a call and schedule an appointment for an exam with one of our specialists who will check you for gum disease before it gets worse.

2 Ways To Bounce Back From Gum Disease

Our speciality at the LANAP & Implant Center is restoring gum health after periodontal disease and replacing any teeth that have been lost as a result.

Most dentist offices are only able to offer standard scaling and root planing to treat diseased gums.

While this is certainly beneficial, it’s not all that helpful to patients who’ve suffered more advanced gum disease and the consequential tooth loss, especially if it’s gone untreated for a long time.

Your tooth replacement options are limited in a dental practice that doesn’t house the advanced technology, state-of-the-art strategies, and extensively-trained professionals you need to fully bounce back.

That’s why you should trust Dr. DiGiallorenzo and our team in Collegeville and Williamsport, PA!

Here are two, more advanced ways we can help you get back on track after gum disease:

#1 – Gum Grafting

Once bacterial infection takes hold in your mouth, it will summon your body’s defenses to attack the diseased bone and tissues. That’s why your gums start to recede from your teeth as a result.

This poses an obvious cosmetic problem because of the way it impacts your smile. But it also exposes the roots of your teeth, leading to sensitivity and exposure to bacterial infection on a deeper level.

To protect your oral health, Dr. DiGiallorenzo may perform what’s called gum grafting, or soft tissue grafting.

By taking healthy gum tissue from one part of your mouth and placing it over recessed spots, we can:

*Keep your healthy gums and teeth intact

*Prevent more gum recession, bone resorption, and tooth loss

*Make your smile look healthier and more attractive by evening your gumline

*Protect your tooth roots from hot and cold sensitivity, damage, and infection

#2 – The LANAP Method

LANAP stands for laser-assisted new attachment procedure. With this cutting-edge method, Dr. DiGiallorenzo will carefully and painlessly remove bacterial infection without any cutting or stitching at all.

The LANAP method isn’t just effective and more comfortable than gum treatment has ever been before. It’s a strategy that reverses your body’s natural tendency to attack your infected jawbone and gums and, instead, encourage the body’s capacity for tissue regeneration.

Schedule An Appointment

Your journey back from gum disease is best guided by experienced, highly-skilled professionals like you’ll find at the LANAP & Implant Center. We offer an integrated approach to dental care that allows you to come back from the devastating effects of this insidious infection using a variety of medical and homeopathic interventions.

With Dr. DiGiallorenzo and our trained team, you have the best integration of skills, materials, and modern technology available to you so that once your gums are restored, you can stay on the right track for the rest of your life.

Find out how we can help restore your hope and your oral health after gum disease.

Call the LANAP & Implant Center today at  610-409-6064 for our Collegeville, PA office or 570-322-4741 for our Williamsport location. You can also fill out our convenient online form to request an appointment.