Tooth Replacement for Missing Teeth in Collegeville

Just one visit to restore your smile.

Replace Your Missing Teeth Here

At the LANAP & Implant Center, we have a team of highly-trained, experienced professionals who’ve been changing the lives of patients for years thanks to our options in tooth replacement. It’s because of our specialized, quality care and our cutting-edge technology that allow us to give patients their smiles back every single day.

If your smile has been devastated by adult tooth loss, you’ve probably heard of some of the options we offer. Metal Free Zirconia Dental implants, Implant-Supported Dentures, and Same Day Tooth Replacement.

Zirconia Dental Implants in recent years and gained a lot of attention for their strength and durability. Maybe you’ve even been told already that you’re not a good candidate for dental implants for some reason, such as low bone mass. If that’s the case, you no doubt feel quite hopeless about ever regaining your ability to enjoy life the way you used to.

But our specialists here in Collegeville and Williamsport, PA are here to give you some of that hope back! It takes years of training, education, and experience to be able to offer what we do in our dental offices. It’s all worth it to us if we’re able to help you reclaim the smile of your youth and enjoy a higher quality of life as a result.

If you’ve lost one or all your teeth, you know what a devastating impact it can have on your life. It’s hard to perform even simple functions like eating, speaking, or smiling. At the LANAP and Implant Center, our Collegeville, PA dentists can restore your smile and improve your life with a total tooth replacement.

This life-changing treatment will:

  • Allow you to smile again right away
  • Let you start eating your favorite meals again
  • Require fewer visits to our office to achieve your new smile
  • Improve your oral health and your overall health

Our restorative dentists can use a special technique that allows for the placement of dental implants and replacement teeth in just one visit. Sometimes, the entire procedure will require more than one appointment, but we often have the ability for you to walk out after just one visit with a brand-new smile.

To schedule a consultation to see if you’re a candidate for this innovative procedure, call 610-409-6064.

Replace Teeth With the Right Number of Dental Implants

Dr. David DiGiallorenzo has extensive training in advanced oral reconstructive techniques, including oral implantology. He can perform procedures like an All-on-6® tooth replacement, during which he attaches an arch of teeth to six dental implants. However, All-on-8 (using eight dental implants) is often a better solution for our patients. With his expertise and modern technology like 3D imaging, he can determine exactly how many implants you’ll need.

Think about it like a table. If your four-legged table lost a leg, you’d no longer be able to use it. If your table had six legs, you would still have a stable foundation even if a leg or two were lost. You want that same kind of security for your teeth.

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Replace Teeth with Metal-Free Implants

As part of our commitment to biologically based, holistic treatment, the LANAP and Implant Center offers metal-free implants. Because of increasing interest in holistic dentistry and metal-free treatments, zirconia dental implants are gaining in popularity. Patients travel from all over the country for this procedure.

Whether you suffer from a sensitivity to titanium or just prefer to use metal-free options whenever possible, metal-free implants offer clear benefits:

  • Zirconia dental implants are completely biocompatible with your gum and bone tissue.
  • Traditional implants can sometimes leave a darkened area along the gumline. Zirconia better matches the color of your natural tooth roots, which gives you a more aesthetic result.
  • Zirconia can actually discourage plaque and tartar buildup, which lowers your risk for future gum disease.

You won’t find a more experienced metal-free implant dentist in the United States. Dr. DiGiallorenzo has more experience and understanding than anyone in the U.S. on how to achieve success with zirconium and when it’s best to use metal-free dental implants.

Advanced Techniques & Technology For Your Tooth Replacement

Because we believe that our patients deserve only the latest in today’s diagnostic advancements, our specialists use cone-beam computed tomography or CBCT. Cone beam technology not only allows for a faster and more accurate diagnosis – patients save an average of four hours – but it also reveals the three-dimensional architecture of your mouth. This helps us give you brand-new teeth in a single visit!

We use advanced technology to encourage faster healing too. We apply your own natural  PRGF (plasma rich in growth factors) to your implant site, so it heals quickly and comfortably. This revolutionary method is a special area of expertise for Dr. DiGiallorenzo, so you can rest assured that you’re receiving exceptional care backed by years of education, training, and experience.

Get Dental Sedation If You Need It

If you’re nervous or worried about discomfort, you can choose from two kinds of safe dental sedation:

  • Oral Conscious Sedation – Take a prescription pill prior to your appointment so you’ll arrive relaxed and stay that way throughout your procedure.
  • IV Sedation – A board-certified anesthesiologist will administer this type of sedation, which puts you into a deeply relaxed, dreamlike state.

If you’re interested in total tooth replacement, call 610-409-6064.

Dr. DiGiallorenzo

The Pioneer of Zirconia Metal-Free Dental Implants in US

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