Gum Grafts

Restore The Look & Health Of Your Gumline!

Restore Health & Appearance of Gums With Gum Grafts in South Williamsport

Gum recession can expose your tooth roots. This not only looks unattractive, but it also hurts your oral health. It can eventually lead to tooth and bone loss. Our South Williamsport dentists at the LANAP and Implant Center will determine the cause of your receding gums and resolve the underlying problem. To reverse recession and stop the damage that can lead to bone loss, they may suggest gum grafts.

Gum grafting will:

  • Halt bone loss that can result in losing teeth
  • Relieve tooth sensitivity caused by exposed roots
  • Make it harder for bacteria to get into areas between teeth and gums
  • Cover exposed tooth roots to give you a healthier-looking gumline
Doctor Henry Hsu
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To talk to us about gum grafting, also called soft tissue grafting, call 570-322-4741.

If Gum Disease Has Caused Receding Gums, Treat It With LANAP

If gum disease is the cause of your gum recession, our specialists will treat it with our LANAP procedure. Instead of cutting away diseased gum tissue, we use a laser to painlessly remove it as well as the toxins that caused the disease. There is no stitching with the laser, and healing is faster.

PRGF & Homeopathic Care Can Speed Healing

We do everything we can to ensure your gum grafting procedure is as quick and comfortable as possible. That includes:

  • Using donor-less tissue rather than harvesting tissue from the roof of your mouth
  • Using The Wand®, a computerized anesthesia delivery system, to avoid the burn and sting that can result when anesthesia is given via a syringe
  • Offering you two choices of safe dental sedation

We will apply plasma rich in growth factors (PRGF) to your gums once the tissue is in place. We collect this plasma from your own blood sample through a special process that concentrates your body’s own healing powers. While it’s been available for years for orthopedic surgery and other medical applications, PRGF in the dental office is relatively new. It’s found only in dental practices like ours that are committed to using the latest technologies and treatment techniques.

You’ll visit our South Williamsport, PA dental office about a week after your gum graft so we can remove your stitches. Then you will see us for a few short follow-up visits so we can monitor your recovery. While PRGF promotes healing, we’ll encourage you to take advantage of our nutritional therapy and homeopathic care too.

You Need Healthy Gums For Dental Implants

Healthy gums are always important, but they are essential if you’re considering dental implants. Your jaw must be strong and healthy to support implants and replacement teeth. Just as a damaged foundation can destroy a house if it’s not repaired, unhealthy gums will cause bone loss that prevents implants from healing properly. That’s why we may recommend gum disease treatment followed by a gum grafting procedure before you receive implants.

For more information on gum grafts, call 570-322-4741.

Dr. DiGiallorenzo

The Pioneer of Zirconia Metal-Free Dental Implants in US

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